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WORLD PEACE is a Local Issue – Information & Resources
An interactive map by The Simon Foundation profiling the practical, legal and political steps being taken towards complete nuclear disarmament.
The Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (CNDP) is India's national network of over 200 grassroots groups, mass movements and advocacy organizations who are demanding that India and Pakistan roll back their nuclear weapons programs.
The Culture of Peace News Network (CPNN) is a project initiated by the United Nations, where readers exchange information about events, experiences, books, music, and web news that promote a culture of peace. Global Footprint Network, a nonprofit organization, was established to enable a sustainable future where all people have the opportunity to live satisfying lives within the means of one planet.
FAS works to provide science-based analysis of catastrophic threats to national and international security and to develop policy solutions to reduce these threats. FAS experts examine issues related to nuclear weapons policy, disarmament, nuclear energy, radiological and nuclear terrorism, energy security, chemical and biological weapons and government secrecy policy.
In 2003, Global Footprint Network, a 501c (3) nonprofit organization, was established to enable a sustainable future where all people have the opportunity to live satisfying lives within the means of one planet.
The iGSE addresses the most significant gap and largest challenge for verification of nuclear non-proliferation: the detection of clandestine nuclear-weapons-usable materials production. The project has been initiated to develop and demonstrate technologies and procedures for remote environmental sampling and other novel methodologies that would allow to detect clandestine production of nuclear materials usable for weapons production.
The International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament is a joint initiative of the Australian and Japanese Governments. It aims to reinvigorate international efforts on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, in the context of both the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, and beyond.
INESAP is a non-profit, non-governmental network organization with participants from all over the world whose objectives are to promote non-proliferation and disarmament with regards to weapons of mass destruction and the delivery systems associated with them.
The International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM) is an independent group of arms-control and nonproliferation experts from both nuclear weapon and non-nuclear weapon states whose mission is to analyze the technical basis for practical and achievable policy initiatives to secure, consolidate, and reduce stockpiles of highly enriched uranium and plutonium.
The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Their current program centers mainly on Sustainable Disarmament for Sustainable Development and they campaign mainly on the reduction of military expenditure.
IPPNW is a non-partisan federation of national medical groups in 62 countries, representing tens of thousands of doctors, medical students, other health workers, and concerned citizens who share the common goal of creating a more peaceful and secure world freed from the threat of nuclear annihilation.
The Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy is an independent research institution at the University of Hamburg whose work is underpinned by the postulate of a security policy that is both effective and geared to the use of peaceful means.
The Peace Farm, as a neighbor to Pantex, a nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility in Amarillo, TX, witnesses to the dangers of nuclear weapons assembled there. We work for the abolition of all nuclear weapons by moral and political persuasion in concert with like-minded groups throughout the world.
The Centre d'Estudis per la Pau J.M. Delàs is a Center of Research and Documentation on issues related to disarmament and peace. The mission of the Centre is to strengthen the culture of peace and the construction of a disarmed society, making people aware of the negative effects of arms and militarism. The Centre combines the work of research and publication with divulgation and social mobilization against militarism.s consequences, such as military expenditure, military R&D and the manufacture and trade of arms. In addition, it works to denounce governments. lack of compliance with the international agreements regulating these issues.