How to organize small group screenings
and home viewings
A "home viewing" is a gathering, sponsored by an organization, a small
group of friends or an individual, at which friends and/or neighbors assemble
at someone's house or other small venue to see the video(s), whether broadcast
on television or shown on a video player. Following the screening, there
is time to discuss responses, exchange ideas, learn more about the subject
and have a chance to select and take home printed materials.
A suggested timetable for inviting people to the event and getting
the word out
If there is a broadcast scheduled, confirm time, date and channel.
If there is no broadcast, the documentary trilogy is available for
purchase, at a special price to organizations supporting women's rights
and to individuals for $69 for a complete set of all three programs. Order
copies of the videos you would like to show by calling 1-800-253-7678
for credit card orders, or to pay by check, e-mail
Notify people of the date and place of the gathering.
If you are mailing invitations (a three-fold
flyer master copy is included in the GRAPHICS
KIT). Be sure your mailing is out at least three weeks before
the event.
If you plan to invite a member of the press, fax or mail a press
release about the video and an invitation to your event.
If you are showing the video in a classroom or at an organizational
meeting, announce the subject ahead of time so that members/students
will have a chance to talk to family members and close friends about the
subject. Encourage them to ask for opinions and stories from those
who may remember the times when abortion was illegal, as well as those
who work or volunteer at a clinic now.
Note: If you are inviting guests by written invitation, remember to
make follow-up calls to ensure greater participation.
These next two suggestions will only be relevant if you are using a
large space.
Put up posters and/or send flyers to local grassroots groups and
community services, women's clinics and chapters of national organizations.
Also contact pro-choice religious denominations such as the Unitarian Church,
the United Methodists, Reformed and some Conservative Jewish groups, and
special interest groups of many other faiths such as Presbyterians and
Episcopalians and Catholics for a Free Choice. Add time and location to
the master flyers provided in the GRAPHICS KIT.
Send several flyers to each of these departments on the campuses of
your local colleges and universities. Possible classes in which these
videos may be of interest include: Women's Studies, Public Health, Social
Studies, Law, Political Science, Ethics, History, Criminal Justice, Film
& Video.