Resource Kit :: Get the Facts!

“For a woman not to be counted as able to make adequate decisions…medical, spiritual, moral, about her family, about herself, is a denial of a woman’s basic humanity, basic God-given rights.”

Pastor James Lawson, Human Rights Activist
The following resources and links are pulled from some of the most reputable sources of facts, research, and news on reproductive rights in the U.S. today including: Short Online Videos:
RH Reality Check Video Series - Can help you separate the misinformation from the facts?

Downloadable Powerpoint Presentations:
(by Guttmacher Institute) Downloadable Fact Sheets:
(by Planned Parenthood Action) (by NARAL Pro-Choice America)

(by Guttmacher Institute)
Other Online Resources:

How to talk about Choice
(by NARAL Pro-Choice America)
Fact v. Fiction
(by RH Reality Check)
Here you can check out the current most widely circulated fictions about reproductive health, and learn about the facts and resources to dispute them.

Laws & Policy
(by NARAL Pro-Choice America)

Insurance & Abortion
(by NARAL Pro-Choice America) Take Action!
  • Get involved with a group that supports women's rights.
  • Urge elected officials to support women’s rights.
  • Share these links or PowerPoint presentations with five friends.

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